Friday, 2 August 2013

Shoes II

In a jungle, there is a monkey who can run and climb trees very fast. A lot of animals such as lion, tiger, wolf and fox are trying to catch him and want to eat him, but no chance.

One day, the monkey goes into a village. He sees all the people are wearing shoes. Some shoes are shining and fancy. The monkey wants to get a pair for himself, so he waits until at night when all the villagers are asleep. He then climbs over a fence and steals a pair of running shoes from a villager.

The monkey puts the shoes on and feels proud of it. He shows it to his friends (rabbit, deer, goat, cow) they all admire his shoes very much.

Suddenly, there is a tiger jumping out from a bush nearby. All the animals quickly run away, including the monkey. However, due to his shoes, the monkey can't run very fast this time. And the tiger manages to catch him.

"Hahah, finally I can catch you," laughs the tiger.

The monkey is really regretted of getting the shoes, but it is too late.

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