Sunday, 18 May 2014

Cat & Mouse

In a house lives a mouse. The mouse always eats the things in the house, including the foods, fruits, newspapers, sofas, etc. This makes the house owner becomes mad. She deiceds to rent a cat to catch that mouse.

The house owner manages to rent an expensive cat from a pet shop. when she puts the cat in her house, the cat immediately goes to sleep. The cat seems like only know how to eat and sleep. The house owner can't do anything as she has paid the rental for a month.

Initially when the mouse sees the new cat, it is a bit scared. But after seeing the cat sleeping most if the time, the mouse feels better.

One day, the cat is eating some nice fish given by house owner. As she cannot finish it, she brings it to the mouse hole and puts it there. The mouse is puzzled with what the cat does.

"Maybe she tries to be friendly."

So the mouse comes out and eats all the fish.

Since then the cat always leaves some food for the mouse. The mouse no longer need to find food for himself. He also doesn't go back to mouse hole anymore as he isn't scared of the cat.

After two weeks of feeding the mouse, the cat finally does something. The cat slowly walks towards the mouse who is eating food.

Seeing the cat coming towards him, the mouse quickly runs towards the mouse hole. But he reliases that his body is too fat to go into it. The mouse tries to run to other place, but the cat finally manages to catch it.

Before the cat eats him, the mouse asks why the cat fed him.

"Three reasons, one is to make you fatter so that you can't go back to your house. Two is to make you run slower when you get fat. Three is, I like to eat fatty meat."

The cat then swallows the mouse. 

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