Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Bird And Squirrel

In the jungle, there are two birds living in the bird's nest on a big tree. The mummy bird just delivers a baby bird. They are very happy to have baby. Daddy bird is working hard everyday, to find worms to feed his baby so that the baby bird can grow up fast.

Few weeks later, the baby bird's body is already covered with feather. Daddy and mummy think it is good time for baby bird to learn how to fly. But the baby bird is so scared and does not want to learn.

There is a squirrel who is staying on the same tree with the birds family. The squirrel always come to play with baby bird whenever he is free. The squirrel is aware of baby bird problem and decides to help him to learn flying.

One day, when the squirrel and baby bird are playing on the tree, the squirrel asks baby bird whether he wants to fly. Baby bird says yes but is scared of heights. Squirrel tells baby bird that he can help. So he brings baby bird to the top of the tree. Before baby bird asks him why they are there, squirrel pushes baby bird down from the tree!

The daddy and mummy are so frightened when they hear the shout but it is too late for them to rescue the baby bird. Baby bird shouts and shouts and thinks he is going to die. He tries to swing his wings as fast as possible. Just before the baby bird bumps on the ground, he manages to fly up!

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