Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Dancing Spider

In a jungle, there is a spider who can dance very well with his eight legs. He is always invited to dance for every single celebration and party in the jungle.

One day, while he is dancing on the stage, he falls down from the stage and breaks two of his legs. Since then, he stops dancing and nobody cares about him anymore.

Spider is very sad and decides to leave the jungle. He walks for long distance until he is very tired and falls asleep.

He is awakened by a noise. When he opens his eyes, he sees a grasshopper is dancing so nice and energetically with his six legs.

"What are you dancing?" asks spider to grasshopper.

"Gangnam style."

"Can you teach me?"

"Sure, call me sifu!"


So spider learns how to dance six-leg gangnam style from grasshopper. After three years of learning the dancing kongfu from grasshopper, the spider is graduated.

The six-leg spider is now back to the jungle, with his new skill. He starts to dance in the stage. The dance attracts more and more animals and finally, the whole jungle is full of animals standing around the stage, to watch the sipder dancing. Everyone is so excited and impressed with his new dance. The dancing spider is back...

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