Sunday, 17 March 2013

Josyne's Magic Dancing Shoes

The school teacher has chosen Josyne to perform dancing during Teacher's Day. Everyday after the school, Josyne has to stay back to learn dancing, as Teacher's Day is just a few days away.

"Josyne can dance well, but she is lack of confidence," says teacher to mummy.

On the day of rehearsal, all the children perform well, except Josyne. Josyne is too scared when going up to the stage, she can hardly move her legs.

The Teacher's Day is just a day away. Mummy asks Josyne prays to God.

"Ask God to give you a pair of magic dancing shoes," says mummy. And that night, Josyne prays very hard to God for the magic shoes.

The next morning, Josyne finds a pair of red shoes on her bed.

"Wow, God has given you the magic shoes! I think this is very special shoes which can make people dance. When you wear them, you just need to lift up your legs and the shoes will help you to dance," says mummy.

So Josyne wears the shoes and performs her beautiful dancing during the Teacher's Day.

"How much did you buy the shoes?" asks daddy, when watching at Josyne's performance.

"RM25.60, 10% discount at Bata," says mummy to daddy.

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