In the jungle, lives a porcupine and other animals. The porcupine is very naughty, always like to play tricks and make fun on other animals. All the animals don't really like porcupine.
One day, the porcupine thinks of another trick to play. He covers himself with a piece of cloth, pretends to be a ball, lying in the bush waiting for the victim. When monkey passes by, he sees there is a ball in the bush and uses his leg to kick the ball...
Monkey is actually the fifth victim that has his leg poked by porcupine's quills, ending up in the jungle hospital for ten days.
"We need to do something, we can't let porcupine continue to hurt other animals," says rabbit.
So they ask for help from crocodile, who has the toughest skin and not scare of porcupine's quills. Crocodile then crawls slowly to the bush where porcupine is hiding. He then swing his tail to hit the "ball" as hard as he can. The "ball" flies up in the sky, and finally falls on a tree.
When the animals go to see porcupine, they find that he has been "nailed" into the tree trunk with his quills.
"Who can help to pull me out! Please!" shouts the porcupine.
But the animals just walk away...
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