Wednesday, 22 May 2013

A Special Container II

Jayden then goes to pluck a mango from his garden and puts it into the container.

"I want mango pudding," shouts Jayden in his heart.

When he opens the cover of container, magically the mango pudding is ready in the container for him to eat.

He then goes to ask a piece of cocoa from his neighbour who is a farmer.

"I want chocolate bars!"

There are five pieces of nice chocolate bars inside the container.

"What about money?"

Jayden puts a few pieces of papers into the container.

"I want 100 dollar notes."

And the papers just turn into 100 dollar notes.

Jayden then puts a piece of metal and shouts, "I want an aeroplane!"

To his surprise, the container starts to crack into small pieces. The aeroplane is too big to be in the container and finally the container is broken.

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