Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Monkey And Armadillo

In a jungle, there is a monkey who likes to play football. He always pratises to kick the ball with his foot, like a human.

One day, while the monkey is kicking a ball in the jungle, he sees a strange creature crawling towards him.

"Hey, I never see you before. Who are you?" greets the monkey.

"I'm armadillo. I just moved to this jungle with my parents," says the armadillo.

"Welcome! Let me bring you go around the jungle and introduce you to my friends," suggests monkey.

"That is very kind of you."

So the armadillo follows the monkey to go around the jungle. They meet with deer, goat, cow, rabbit, rhino, etc. All the animals are happy to see armadillo.

While these animals are chatting among themselves, suddenly they hear a loud roar.

"Tiger!" shouts the deer.

All the animals flee away. However, as the armadillo can't run very fast, the tiger manages to block him from running away. When monkey sees the armadillo is in danger, he quickly comes down from tree, standing beside him.

"Monkey, you don't have to come back," armadillo is touched by his new friend.

"Hahah... I'm going to eat you two," laughs the tiger.

"Armadillo, can you roll up like a ball?" asks the monkey.

Without thinking much, the armadillo rolls up like a ball, a very hard ball. The monkey uses all of his strength to kick the "ball" towards the tiger. The "hard ball" flies with very high speed, hitting on tiger's face, makes him losing two of his teeth.

Both the monkey and the armadillo feel happy and relief to see the tiger runs away with great pain.

"Looks like we make a good team," says the monkey.

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