Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Magic Remote Control

One day, a boy picks up a new remote control on his way back from school. Coincidentally, his DVD remote control is broken. So he brings back the remote control, hoping that it is compatible with his DVD machine.

At home, the boy keeps pressing PLAY-PAUSE-PLAY-PAUSE, but nothing happen to the DVD machine. The boy knows that this remote control cannot be used for his DVD machine. Suddenly, his sister passing by in front of him while he presses PAUSE. All of the sudden, his sister pasuses in front of the boy, like a statue.

The boy is happy that the remote control is so magical. The next day he brings it to the school. While they are studying, there is a bad guy runs into their school with a machine gun! He wants to kipnap some children for the money!

All the children and teachers are shouting when seeing the masked bad guy. There is one teacher who wants to call the police, but then shot down by the bad guy.

The boy quietly takes out his magic remote control, points to the bad guy and presses PAUSE. The bad guy suddently standing still, without any movement.

"Call the police," shouts the boy to the teachers.

So the teachers call the police. When the police come to the school, the boy presses RESUME. The bad guy wants to run away when he sees the police, but the police manage to catch him. No body knows what happen (why the bad guy stands there waiting for the police to come), except the boy.

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