Saturday, 14 June 2014

Snake & Bees

A snake is crawling in the bush. He is very hungry and is looking for food. After few hours of searching, he sees a big beehive hanging on a tree. The snake decides to have some honey.

The snake crawls up the tree slowly, he is not afraid of bees as his skin is very hard. All the bees are worried and fly out of the hive when seeing snake crawling towards them. They try to stop by stinging the snake but the skin is too hard.

Finally, the whole beehive is eaten by the snake. All the bees are sad and fly away as they can do nothing. There is one bee, who is really angry with the snake. Starting from that day, he follows the snake everyway it goes.

"Go away, you can do nothing," shouts the snake, feeling irritated with the bee. But the bee keeps following him.

After few months, the bee finally notices that the snake needs to change his skin for him to grow bigger. So the bee flies back to tell the news to all his friends.

The bee continues to follow the snake, waiting for his opportunity. After few months, finally the snake starts to shed his skin. There are a few seconds when the new skin is still not as hard as the old skin yet. The bee then informs all the other bees and they sting at the snake as hard as possible, while it is shedding off the old skin.

The snake feels the pain and is killed by the bees. 

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