Monday, 22 April 2013

Cunning Squirrel III

After squirrel is being thrown out of the big tree by the fox and the hawk, he decides to fight back. Everyday, he hangs around the tree looking for his opportunity. One day, the hawk is looking for food, but doesn't find anything after the whole morning.

So the squirrel shouts to the hawk, "Hey, there are two baby cubs over there. Why don't you catch and eat them?" What squirrel doesn't tell the hawk is that, the cubs belong to his neighbour - fox's babies.

So the hawk catches the cubs and eats them together with his eyas. When the fox comes back, he can't find his babies. The squirrel then comes to the fox and tells him that the hawk has caught the cubs and eaten them. The squirrel then suggests a way to revenge.

The fox goes to find a big piece of meat and barbecues the meat under the tree. When the hawk smells it, he comes to ask for some from the fox.

"Sure, let me barbecue it a little longer then you can have it," says the fox to the hawk.

Without being noticed by the hawk, the fox puts some small pieces of glowing woods at the bottom of the meat. When the hawk brings the meat back to his nest and prepares to share with his baby, the glowing woods start to burn the nest which is made of dry grass. The hawk manages to escape. But his nest and the eyas who is not able to fly, all burnt down by the fire.

"Why do you do this to me," shouts the hawk to the fox.

"Because you ate my babies," cries the fox.

Only now the hawk realises that the cubs are the fox's babies. But it is too late. The fox and the hawk become enemy now, and both of them decide to move out from the big tree.

Not long after that, the squirrel moves back to the big tree. 

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