Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Turtle With Wings

One day, a turtle is tired of crawling. He decides to get a pair of wings for himself. He goes to see deer, who is the doctor of the jungle.

"Yes, I have a special medicine which can help to grow wings after you take it. But there is no medicine to cure it," says deer to turtle.

"Why do I need to cure it, I want to have wings forever," says turtle.

So the deer gives the medicine to him and turtle immediately swallows it. After a few minutes, a pair of wings start to grow. Turtle is so happy and he quickly flies into the sky. He is so satisfied with the wings.

"Let me go to make friends with bird," says turlte.

He flies towards some birds, but all the birds are scared to see him.

"Monster! Go away!" shout the birds.

In the end, turlte can't make any friend. He is now tired and decides to fly back. When he reaches home, his parents do not want to open the door.

"Monster! Go away!"

"Dad, mum. It's me," cries the poor turtle.

"No, you are monster. Our child does not have wings. Go away!" they refuse to open door for him.

Turtle begins to regret, but it is too late...

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