Thursday, 18 April 2013

Two Lazy Horses

A farmer has two horses, one is black and another one is white. Both of them are very lazy and always think of ways not to work hard.

Everyday, the farmer will put all his vegetables and fruits on a wooden wagon. The wagon is then tied to the horses, to be pulled to market.

"It is really tiring to pull the wagon. I need to think of a way to rest," both of the horses think.

One day, the farmer has a lot of vegetables and fruits to be sold at the market. The wagon is really heavy with full of vegetables and fruits. Both of the horses feel tired pulling the wagon.

The white horse begins to think, "Why don't I walk a step slower than the black horse. By doing that most of the weight will be on him."

So the white horse walks a step slower than the black horse. The black horse starts to feel more energy is needed to pull the wagon. He then realises the trick from the white horse.

"Why don't I pretend to get hurt. Then all the weight will be on white horse," the black horse starts to plan something too.

The black horse pretends to trip and falls on the road. He pretends that he can't get up. So the farmer has no choice but puts the black horse on the wagon. The white horse now feels very tiring to pull the wagon, and the black horse is laughing on the wagon.

When the white horse is crossing the bridge, he is so tired that he can't walk anymore, so he falls down from the bridge. The whole wagon, together with two horses, vegetables and fruits, all fall into the river.

The two horses are drowned.

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