In a village, there is a blind man who is good at acupuncture. He can cure people by touching, massaging and sometimes applying acupuncture on sick people. He doesn't charge a lot of money, and all the sick people like to come to him.
The doctors in the village are envy. They are lamost out of business. They think they need to do something.
The doctors go to the King and say something bad about the blind man. They even say the blind man wants to become King.
The stupid King is so angry and thinks of a way to kill the blind man. He brings a cub to the blind man, "Touch the cub and tell me if it is wolf or fox."
The cub is so young that even the ordinary people can't tell whether it is a wolf or a fox.
The blind man then says to the King, "You may kill me now."
"If I say it is wolf, your answer will be fox. If I say fox, then you will say is wolf. You will kill me no matter what I say. And the cub will grow up slowly. By the time we know the real answer, I'm already long gone."
The doctors in the village are envy. They are lamost out of business. They think they need to do something.
The doctors go to the King and say something bad about the blind man. They even say the blind man wants to become King.
The stupid King is so angry and thinks of a way to kill the blind man. He brings a cub to the blind man, "Touch the cub and tell me if it is wolf or fox."
The cub is so young that even the ordinary people can't tell whether it is a wolf or a fox.
The blind man then says to the King, "You may kill me now."
"If I say it is wolf, your answer will be fox. If I say fox, then you will say is wolf. You will kill me no matter what I say. And the cub will grow up slowly. By the time we know the real answer, I'm already long gone."
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