Hide & seek game is banned in the jungle. But for elephant, deer, rabbit and monkey, they don't know how danger the game is, and they want to challenge it. So they plan to play hide and seek game.
The rabbit is a seeker. He starts to count, while others try to hide themselves. Monkey climbs high up to a tree, deer runs deep into a cave. The elephant is big, so he goes deep into a river to hide himself.
After reaching number 50, the rabbit starts to locate all the animals.
The monkey is very nervous, he tries to climb up as high as possible so that the leaves can cover him from being seen by the rabbit. However, the branches are weak at the top of the tree, and the monkey accidently steps on a branch which breaks. The monkey falls all the way down from the tree and knocks his head on the floor...
The deer is nervous too, he tries to hide as deep into the cave as he could. But the cave is actually a lion's den. The lion sees the deer coming into the cave, so he jumps onto the deer...
The elephant is also nervous, he tries to go as deep under the water as possible. River is the only place that prevents him from being located by the rabbit. He tries to hold his breath as long as possible, but...
The rabbit manages to find the monkey, the dead monkey. He can't find the deer and elephant for along time, maybe forever. Now he understands why the game is banned in the jungle.
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