Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Turtle's Wish

There is a turtle who is really tired of eating grass on the floor. He has a friend, giraffe who keeps telling him how good is the taste of the leaves.

"You should try the bamboo leaves. Oh, it is so nice," says the giraffe.

The turtle is so envy with giraffe for having a long neck. He makes a wish to God that he wants the long nect too.

"Are you sure?" asks the God.


The next morning when the turtle wakes up, he is so happy that he now has a long neck. He quickly walks to the bamboo trees and eats the bamboo leaves.

"Wah, so nice!" shouts the turtle.

Suddenly, there is a angry fox comes to the turtle. The turtle immediately wants to hide himself into the shell. However, his neck is too long. The shell is too small for all of his neck.

"God, please make my neck short..."

Before the turtle finishes his prayer, the fox bites his neck...

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