Friday 16 January 2015

Snail & Centipede

School is reopening soon. A centipede is going to the same school as his neighbour - snail.

The centipede teases the snail, "Hi, I think tomorrow you have to wake up at 3am. Otherwise you can't reach school before 7am."

The snail replies sadly, " Yes, my mom asks me to wake up at 2am. I have to go to bed now."

The next day, the snail wakes up at 2am and manages to reach school before 7am. But he doesn't see the centipede in the class.

After school, the snail sees centipede is still sitting at the door wearing school uniform.

The snail asks, "Why didn't you go to school today."

The centipede replies sadly, "I'm still wearing the socks and the shoes. My mom asks me to wake up at 1am tomorrow morning..." 

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Fox & Deer

One day, a hungry fox catches a deer and prepares to eat the deer. Suddenly, there is a tiger walking quietly towards the fox and the deer. The tiger is approaching them from the back of the fox, so only the deer notices the tiger.

The deer has an idea, "Mr. Fox, are you the strongest animal in the jungle?"

"Of course, who else do you think."

"I thought the tiger is stronger." says the deer.

"What? You think that stupid tiger is stronger? Hahah... I can punch him to dead with my single hand!" bluffs the fox.

"HAAAWWWW, what did you say just now?" roars the tiger.

The fox is scared to dead when seeing a tiger is standing at his back. The tiger catches the fox and eats him. And the deer quickly runs away...

Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Dancing Bread

In a bakery shop, there is a piece of cheerful bread. The bread is made with special indregients - flour and music, which makes the bread can dance.

One day, a bear's mother is sick. So the bear goes to the bakery shop, tries to buy his mom a bread to eat.

"Hopefully mom will get better after eating the bread."

Coincidently, the small bear chooses the dancing bread. After paying the money, he brings the bread home.

"Mom, I buy a piece of bread for you. You will get better after eating the bread," says the bear to his mom after reaching home.

The mummy bear is also happy to have bread to eat, she has been eating honey for too long.

"Give me the bread."

"Don't eat me!!!" but the bread does not have mouth, she can't speak out. She decides to run away before end up in the bear's stomach.

The little bear can't find the bread, "It was here just now..."

Suddenly, the little bear sees a piece of bread just about to run out from his house.

"A bread can run?" without thinking much, the little bear chases the bread and catches it.

When the bear puts the bread on the table, it starts to dance. The mummy bear is so happy and cheerful to see a dancing bread. She immediately recovers from her sickness.

Since the mummy bear has recovered, they don't eat the bread anymore. Everyday, they watch the bread dancing together with their friends. They feel happy and cheerful everyday.


Wednesday 27 August 2014

Lion & Squirrel

Story by Josyne Ngu:

One day, a hungry lion sees a squirrel. He wants to eat the squirrel. The squirrel quickly climbs up the tree. The squirrel can't go down the tree to play with his friend as lion is waiting under the tree. So the squirrel takes out some sweets and asks, "Do you want to eat sweets?"

The lion says, "Yes."

So the squirrel gives a lot of sweets to the lion. Then all the lion's teeth are broken. So the lion can't eat the squirrel anymore.

Now the squirrel can go down the tree and play with his friends. 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Bird & Fish

One day, a bird wants to learn swimming. He flies to a river and asks a fish to help.

The fish remembers that his best friend was eaten by this bird a few days ago. So he has a plan for this bird. (The main purpose of bird to learn swimming is to catch more fish).

"No problem, I can teach you how to swim," says the fish to the bird.

The fish teaches the bird some basic swimming skill and praises him, "You are a genius. I've never seen anyone picking up swimming skill so fast! You can swim very very well now."

The bird really thinks he is genius and is very proud of himself. So he decides to go to deeper river to catch bigger fish.

The moment the bird jumps into the deep river, he realises that he can't swim well. He feels very tired after swim for short while and can't fly out from the water.

The bird finally drowns in the river.


Mother Hen's Egg III

One day, a mother hen sees a nice small bird's egg lying on the floor. As she can't find the mother bird, so she decides to bring the egg home and hatch it together with her own eggs. The mother hen has laid three of her own eggs.

After a few weeks of hatching, finally the little chicks and little bird come out from the eggs. The little bird is dark and ugly, so all the little chicks like to bully him.

One day, when mother hen is away looking for food, the three little chicks bring the little bird climb up a tall tree. The little chicks start to bully the little bird by pushing him down from the tree!

The little bird is so scared. He tries to flip his wings as hard as possible. Before he hits his body to the ground, the little bird manages to fly and disappear into the sky (never come back again).

The little chicks are so puzzled! They think they can fly like little bird (they don't know the little bird is a bird), so they jump down one by one from the tall tree. Eventhough they flip their wings very hard, they can't fly. Finally, all the little chicks die of falling down from the tree.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Tiger & Goat & Donkey

One day, a hungry tiger sees a goat is eating grass in a field. He quickly goes to catch the goat. But the goat manages to run into a small cave and hides inside there. The tiger uses all kinds of tricks, but fails to make the goat to come out from the cave.

The tiger has no choice but goes to find other food. He is lucky. He sees another donkey wondering in the jungle. This time, he manages to catch the donkey.

Before the tiger eats the donkey, he has a better idea.

"If you manage to persuade the goat to come out from the cave, I'll let you go," says the tiger to the donkey.

So the donkey goes to the cave and persuade the goat to come out of the cave.

"Hey, goat. Come out and play with me! Tiger has gone," says the donkey to the goat.

The goat finally believes him and comes out of the cave. The tigers then catches both and eat them.

Before the donkey dies, he says, "You tell lie, you don't keep your promise."

"Hahah, you tell lie to donkey as well."

The moral of the story is, you can't complain people telling lie, if you yourself tell lie too.

Daddy, "Will you ask your friend to come out if the tiger eat both of you?"

Joanne, "No, I won't!"

Daddy, "Will you ask your friend to come out if the tiger let you go but will eat your friend?"

Joanne, "Yes, I will!"

Daddy, "...."  (I think I will too)